- Where dreams come true-



of 60 days

Consists of: Gluten-free crackers, Sliced carrots, Cauliflower,
1 piece Ezekiel bread (toasted), Tuna fish ( not extra mayo), and live sprouts.

So this meal was fun to design, yet hard to eat combined.
After my first bite, I immediately sprung for water.
Cauliflower without dip (simply plain) is awful.
You should be happy to know that I DID FINISH 1/3 of the meal.
I looked it up, and supposedly carrots
are the richest source of beta-carotene...whatever that is.
I do know that carrots are beneficial for the heart, eyes, skin, lungs, and circulation.
OH MAYO how I love you. But I wish you added health to me.
One day soon, I will step on the edge and eat a can of tunafish without mayo.
Is that healthy ?
You tell me.

Check out my cards at my shop.


Victoria said...

Wow, congrats on day 8! I hate cauliflower too, just can't stand it, but I found some yellow cauliflower at the grocery store that is a little milder. Plus I steamed it. Good luck!

Thomas Blue - by Katie said...

mmm sounds yummy! I will have to check it out.