- Where dreams come true-



of 60 days.
Consists of:  CLAM CHOWDER!

I have finally made it to 1 week!
True, I used to absolutley hate clam chowder to the bone.
 But, as of this past week, I have grown to like it.
 I does not contain much sugar (2g). Just a bit of sodium, and lots of protein.
So,to those questioning it, no my diet is not as strict as most.
There is also some fet percentage in clam chowder.
*Dip some gluten-free crackers. Great combination!
For dinner just make sure to eat a large serving of vegetables.


Hannah said...

You go girl! :)

Thomas Blue - by Katie said...

haha ty :)

Little Lovables said...

super cute pic! I could not do clam chowder, unless I was starving or something, maybe I just haven't had it made properly :)

Megan said...

Awesome! I dont think I could eat clam chowder but good for you!

Thomas Blue - by Katie said...

Haha yeah, I guess it would depend on what company you got it from, and how its made.